The Mission of a Booster Club

When people think about Booster Clubs they usually think “fundraising.” That’s part of it. But it’s much bigger than that. Successful, long-running high school sports programs each have their own culture; that’s what makes them successful. It is the Head Coach’s job to define that culture. It is the role of the Booster Club to help support that coach in building it.

We’re here because we want the young men on these teams to have an amazing experience as high school athletes. That takes fundraising, but it also takes communication and coordination from a group of like minded individuals that want everyone that comes through this program to remember it for the rest of their lives.

Booster Clubs always need 2 things: More Money and More People. Please have a look at the links below and links in the Booster Club menu for ways that you get involved with helping us make the 2023 season one to remember for every player, coach and parent.